Welcome to Edinburgh Neurofeedback

Do you often find yourself daydreaming when you are meant to be working?

Does it take you longer than it should to complete a task?

Do you wish you weren’t so easily distracted?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place. With neurofeedback training, you are well on the way to turning each ‘yes’ into a definite ‘no’.

What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback therapy is a new way of learning that teaches the brain to work much more as you want it to.  We measure your brain activity and display it on a computer screen. You can see how your brain activity looks when you are calm and focused and how it is different when you are in daydream mode, or you are anxious. You can then practise getting control of your brainwaves through biofeedback, a very powerful technique that can dramatically improve overall focus and concentration.

Who can benefit from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback training can help just about anyone to improve brain function. In fact, there are few people who couldn’t benefit from a series of sessions. Children, adults, even professional athletes have used neurofeedback with great effect to improve focus, clarity of thought and memory.

You certainly don’t have to have a recognised medical disorder to reap the rewards that come with neurofeedback. Coping with everyday stress, exam stress, work problems and general anxiety can be much easier when you learn to control your brain patterns.

Children and adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have made good progress using neurofeedback. ADHD, ADD and other brain problems respond well to neurofeedback training, which is used to train the brain to stay focused and not become so easily distracted.

Neurofeedback may help with many health and learning challenges

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Developmental disorders
  • Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Pain
  • Pre Menstrual Tension (PMT)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress
  • Working memory problems

The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research has a bibliography of research papers for you to follow up if you would like more background information.

Neurofeedback can also be life-enhancing

There are many situations in which neurofeedback can help you get more out of life. It is a valuable tool in anger management, reducing anxiety and coping with stress. It may also boost creativity and strengthen focus in high achievers such as musicians and athletes. Students of all ages may find they can improve their studying after neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback training is non-invasive and easy to learn under our expert guidance.

Want to know more about neurofeedback?

Feel free to browse the site to find out more about how we can help you at Edinburgh Neurofeedback, or contact us for more information or to book sessions.

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